
Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Can you believe it is already February! I have a real bone to pick with the ground hog! How dare he see his shadow. I am so ready for winter to be over and it is only half way over.
Hey I did see a Robin on Monday, so even though the ground hog saw his shadow, the robin spit in his to speak.

Over Spring Break, we are going down to the Hill Country of Texas. Hopefully it will be warm and not too crowed as I am sure everyone else has the same idea...GET

My FM has been flaring, but onward I go...However, I woke up Monday and my left foot was hurting so badly, I almost went to the ER just to get a shot...Then I started running a temperature. I went to the doctor yesterday and he xrayed my foot and even though it is swollen and red, there was nothing wrong with it. He said I did have a slight infection and gave me an antibiotic. I think I must have had this infection for sometime as I have been running off and on for awhile. The foot problem was just coincidental. You know in fact, I was complaining of waking up at night with sweats for about a year now. Probably I have had a low grade infection all along. I told my Rheumatologist's PA and she decided it was menopausal...hmmm.
I just think I have been having night sweats...

Teaching Geography today and thought I would pass some time writing in my blog...
Here is hoping we see a lot more Robins and less cold temperatures.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy February 1....Super bowl XLIII

My how time flies by...can you remember just a little over a month ago, we were eating pie and candy and saying Merry Christmas...Well now we can just eat pie and candy and say Oh Man..I shouldn't done that...
Well we are thawing out from an ice storm that was only suppose to drop about a .10 of moisture on top of us...We ended up with about 2 inches of ice and sleet... School was out for 3 days...Now it is almost all gone and we are looking forward to some really nice weather. I am having Motorcycle withdrawal...Well really I am having withdrawals from spending time with my friends.
We were suppose to go to a huge Super Bowl party out of town in Crescent with our friends...However due to the "ice storm" our friend had to work to make up for the days off he had...Darn it..
So instead we will have a party here...Mike said we would smoke something...NOT> idea is a pot luck and we can snack and watch and snack...Bring a dish or chips or something..I want to watch the game too....

My body has been really hurting with out much sleep... I had ran out of my ativan awhile back, and even though I am on a low dose and can take 2 a day...I don't take them all the time...But when I got the filled the other day and took one at bedtime with my other meds...WOW...I slept better...Who knew...

Tomorrow I take Mike to the doctor. He is a lung specialist. His asthma and non-allergic Rhinitis has been flared up for more than a year. So finally his reg doctor did a CT of his lung. It shows some signs of pneumonia. I wish they would go into his lung and take some biopsy of the tissue and really look good. He has lived on cough medicine for more than a year now.

Well trying not to be worried, but I am . I think I would feel better if they would just find something and fix it rather than giving him meds that don't work and sending him home..
Well enough about that...
Everyone have a wonderful Super Bowl....