
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another night

Well here we go again, me rambling and then me writing stuff here...It is 1 am in the morning and I need to go to bed. But first I have a few things to say as I finish watching today's episode of General Hospital. 

Less than 20 days now and I get to see my movie...Please just hang in there New Moon Cast... Rob and Kristen...Hang in there....I know you are in the spotlight ...maybe it will make the whole thing easier. Because it must be hard when you can't go out when you are simply working. But at least now that you are on the Promotional Circuit, you are working and getting out at the same time. I know.It isn't easy...but please don't give up on us that aren't completely out of our minds. That we know you were just doing your job. My daughter use to say....and it was true for her..She didn't cry in movies. Because the job of the actors was to make us cry...They get paid to make us cry. When she had kids, she did get more emotional. and she does cry in Movies now. And she is my partner in all this Twilight craziness. 

I just hope that the kids can hang in there until it is all done...They have the rest of their lives to get back to normal...It will go back to normal..guys..hang in there... 

Well gotta go...another problem is brewing..see you all later.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I told you I'd be back

Well you see,  I have been talking with my friend Diane Chamberlain..Asking her questions about writing. She is so kind and patient and answers me. I listened to an interview with her the other day. She is such a delightful person. I love her. But she suggested to writer wantabees...Take some courses in composition to learn how to write. I have been thinking of that seriously. I know that they have creative writing classes at the votech. I also think they might have online classes. I know that Alicia and Shelly at the Jr. High would help me. I just have to ask. them. They are true teachers and have such a passion for teaching. I suppose they wouldn't mind if the person they were teaching was an old grandma that doesn't want to get old anymore. Or doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up.

After visiting with Diane, reading how Stephenie Meyer and Stephen Kiing have characters yelling at them, I have decided I need to sleep in my recliner with a pen and paper in my hand. And all those thoughts that I hear all night. start jotting them down. Most of my dreams are about people I don't know. These could be the characters that I am suppose to write about. I know I told my counselor that sometimes when I shut my eyes, it is like "Showtime"...All these people that I don't know in my head doing things that are weird, or different. He said maybe I should write a book.. The thing is, I can never remember it the next day. And if I don't take something to help me stay asleep, I don't get any sleep. So what is the trade off. Well I figure that maybe for a while I am going to start listening and stop taking my meds and just see if I get those characters shouting stuff I should write. And start with some writing classes, Composition like Diane suggested and just see. Sometimes I have great ideas, but because I haven't taught myself all those thousands of words in our vocabulary that I need to know. Oh how I wish I had paid better attention. I so see the need to have the kids in my jr. high classes learn the vocabulary words. How do you teach yourself vocabulary words.  I mean, if you don't use them everyday, you forget them. Now I know that you can learn just about everything on the Internet now. I know sometimes I have trouble recalling a simple word that I do know and use. Is that just my old age. You would think that kind of stuff would come more easily the older you get..You know Practice makes perfect and all. And so I have been speaking and writing for 52 years now, so you would think that my vocabulary would be humongous. Alas. that is not so. The fact is, it has probably gotten smaller and smaller. .
Although I know that it is larger than some seventh and eighth graders. That is not saying very much. Sometimes I am amazed at how much they do not know. Words that they trip over, I am like What? Right now in Jr. High we are teaching 12 important words that everyone should know. Now let me see if I can remember some of them...
Infer- read between the lnes
Evaluate- Judge
Summarize- short version
I can''t remember them right now..I'll be right back....
Trace-list in steps
Analyze-break apart
Describe- tell about
Explain-tell how
Support-Back up with details
Contrast-How things are different
Compare-How things are the same
Predict-What will happen next
Okay, I am having trouble seeing the screen is time to put this away and go to bed.
My eyes are crossing.... Who knows, maybe tonight will be the night that my Characteres jump out of my head and onto the paper,,,,

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009

 Well October is over and here it is already November with less than 2 months left in 2009.My first post about being obsessed with Twilight was August 14. the days have zoomed by. Since then, I have had a new grandaghter, a birthday, Labor day, Oh and don't forget school started. I have learned about Twitter, celebrated my 5 th year post op gastric bypass surgery, Celebrated 2 of my gsons birthdays, Read the Twilight books about a million times. And now we are counting down to November 20th. Except, I am waiting until Nov. 23rd to see the movie. I have found out a few things about myself.
I am now a published Author...As I write web content for a very nice person who pays me. I am searching for a way to write a book. So now I have started my writing careeer, my teaching career, and looking forward to trying my hand at acting. I know it all sounds sort of crazy....but that is me a crazy kind of girl. I have decided I no longer want to be old, so I am going to get younger now...You may ask me how I plan on that. Well it is simple. If I can't find any Vampire Venom, I will have to resort to having unBirthdays. It should work, Right? Well I have to do something. I mean actually getting older is better than the alternative, however, I want another option.

Also I do have sort of a "Bucket List". I want to really play piano. I want to try my hand at acting. I think I can do that. I want to travel more. I want to ride in Airplanes and I want to ride in a Hot Air Balllon. I believe that if you do that once, it will become an addiction of mine.

Okay...enough rambling today. I expect that I will be back in while to write some more...Hang in there today.and visit me on Twitter