
Monday, April 30, 2012

Kids Learn the Darndest Things

If you have read my Blog, you know that I might be a wee bit obsessed with the Twilight World and District 12/Katniss,Peta,Gale. At my home, my daughter or daughter inlaw will come over and we will dissect the books, movies, and everything in between. Of course, we have only just seen Hunger Games, but the books have been discussed thoroughly.

When we get together to "Twilight" we might have one of the movies playing and the books open, rewinding and rereading a chapter...discussing how the movie missed the mark, and what they got right. I know, it isn't right. There is something seriously wrong with us. I know people who want me to go to meetings. My granddaughter Katie, who is 9, has been a part of many of these parties. We do censor some of the parts, especially in Breaking Dawn.

The past several months I have noticed that she gets on our family computer and  goes to YouTube. She brings up parts of Lion King. There are a few of the neighborhood boys that play with her. She invites (forces) them to sit there with her while she plays the different videos. She tells them what the animals names are and who they belong to and what they are doing and why they are doing it. I am amazed that they will actually sit there while she does this. The next morning while driving to work, I was reflecting on the previous evening when it hit me....She was "Twilighting " in her own way. She is dissecting all the aspects of the story. She is asking questions about why the characters are doing what they do. I just can't believe that she gets those boys to sit and watch and makes them participate. She should enjoy that power while she can.

I was discussing this with my daughter and she came to the same conclusion. Her brother who has autism, also ask questions while watching a movie. It is very hard to enjoy a movie when he is rattling questions off the entire time. She said that Katie thinks that is the way you are suppose to watch a movie.

I got a call from my Daughter inlaw and Lilly, another one of my granddaughters is now acting out the scenes of "Tangled". She also loves her Bella and Edward.  At 2 years old, I am happy that she would rather watch "Tangled".

I just hope that we have instilled in them the love of reading. I also appreciate the fact that Katie digs deeper into the thoughts and reasons behind the author's words.