
Friday, April 17, 2020

For Anna

For Anna

You ask me for  a couple of sentences  about loving someone with autism.. I don't know if I can give you a tangible answer, because there is so many levels of love there. 

You know that most people are touchable...hugs, kisses, high fives. An Autistic child doesn't want that contact. So you continue to try and connect with them. But you know sometimes, I think that for them, they are sorry they can't give you what you want. I had a young man in class who had other disabilities as well as autism and he was nonverbal. He was my boy. I would try and hug him and he would shy away.  We would sit on the sofa and watch our movie. Sometimes he would actually cuddle up. He was about my height and standing close to him sometimes he would lean in for a kiss I think. I was never really sure. But I loved him on his terms.He is just one of many that I was blessed to help.

Each person doesn't fit the Autism Mold. IF they did we would have lots of little Rainmen running around. Also, we would have more of an idea of what they need. This is even more evident in the nonverbal child. He will find a way to communicate if you listen. His language takes lots of trial and errors on your part. You know Noah is like that. He does a lot of snapping his fingers. 
I digress. It is almost like when the child is born he gets to visit the big Autism Store. All the symptoms are on the shelf. And they get to choose which ones they want. Or maybe, they don't get to choose, but they are given them randomly.  

I know I have rambled here trying to answer this. I can answer this...

People will tell me it takes a special person to love and teach these kids. They are wrong. I am the one who is blessed by these children. I wake up everyday ready to go to work. They say it takes special parents to raise a child with disabilities. They will argue with that statement. I think the more appropriate statement would be "Sometimes it is more challenging, but having the opportunity to love these  children is a blessing." Speaking as the grandma, they have given me more love than I could ever think possible.