
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fibromyalgia meets OA

Just thought I would start blogging since I created this place out of sort of figuring out that people love to read blogs and I like writing stuff that pops into my brain...
Now a little about me...I have Fibromyalgia..I think for all of my life, and if you have never heard of it...well neither had I until I was dx with it in 2002. Now I knew about the pain and being tired, but I thought that all these years since I was a kid...that I was lazy and that everyone had pain and the older I got and the more pain I was Mom had a headache her intire life and my Dad was crippled with osteoarthritis as was his mom....So it was normal Right???
Wrong...When my body finally had screamed and didn't let me get away with it anymore...I had a huge flare up and I couldn't get out of the chair...Finally I saw a specialist..which is a Rhuematologist who takes care of arthritis patients. Arthritis is caused by inflammation, but Fibromyalgia is not an inflammatory problem...go figure...hmmmm
My first Rhuematologist got me dx and started to help me figure out stuff to do...but my job was very physical and stressful. About 9 months went by and finally my body screamed STOP!!!
It didn't really give me a choice...I found a new Rhuematologist..He has been a life saver. The first priority of his was to get me out of pain. By this time I was off work and on short term disability. So long story short for now, I have osteoarthritis in almost every joint of my body. If I have a joint that doesn't have it, I don't know where it would be
So some days it is hard to figure where fm starts and the oa ends or visa versus...
This past week has been like that...Of course I have been doing some of the no no' overdoing it...You have to excercise with out pushing the limit or the excercise makes you worse...But then sometimes getting dressed pushes you past the limit...
Well that is enough about me today..I hope that you will come back and read as I post...

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