
Friday, September 12, 2008


Well Today is Friday and the weekend is upon us.
Mike is going to Kansas City MO this weekend to watch his precious Raiders...Do you think that Raiders and Precious belong in the same

Mr. Ike is knocking on the door and I don't think he is going to wait for anyone to answer it.
I have cousins in the area and ask for prayers for them and everyone in it's path.

Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of one of the most horrific days in most of our lives.
But I think back to that day and you know....
How does it rate with the MOST horrific days of my life?
My Grandma died in 1989. That was a really bad day. My Granny passed away in 1996. OUCH...that really hurt...
In November 2003, Dad passed away...OOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH!!!
That was the worst day of my life.

But as bad as that day was...I knew that life would go on. And I would miss my Dad but he would always live in my heart.
But on Sept 11, 2001 our lives were shaken up so badly we didn't know if there would be a tomorrow. That feeling of absolute terror and not knowing what the end of the day would bring was horrible.
Had we finally made God so mad that he was going to turn his back on us?
Thank goodness he didn't. He gave us yet another chance. But I don't know how much longer he will allow us to keep dissing speak...turning our backs on him and what we know is right.

I hope everyone has a great day and weekend...stay safe and God bless you!!!!

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