Good Morning,
Today started out so cool and crisp..I love Fall. I think there is something I love about every season. Fall I love...Highs in the 60's and 70's and lows in the 50's..hmmmm.
Well we had our morning of lows in the 50's, but the afternoon will hit 80 again.
When we are riding the motorcycle however, I would rather it be in the 80's as I do not like wearing all the leather stuff...It does help me stay warm, but it is so hard to wear...Heavy I guess and bulky...Harder to climb on and off.
A little about our Motorcycle...We got a large chunk of money...not rich chunk chunk, but big enough to invest in something for fun...he decided to buy a motorcycle. Now I was against it...For one thing, he never talked about wanting one, and I just always thought they were too dangerous and then you know them bikers...well I just thought they know..criminals and dopers...
Well of course I went along with Mike. He promised that he would show me the United States. I had never really been anywhere. He was a truck driver and went everywhere, I stayed home, worked and raised our children...So I guess I will see it on the back of a Bike.
He bought a brand new 2005 Yamaha 1700 Midnight Silverado Roadstar.
With the Yamaha, we got a years free membership into Star Touring and Riding Association.
He had decided he wanted to look for a group to ride with and he did a lot of research on the internet. Star is a family orientated group. They believe in promoting safe riding and bringing families together. I think the thing that sold Mike was that they support Feed The Children.
He is all about Kids...
So we contacted our local chapter and went on our first dinner run with them.
We have made so many new friends. We have a new "Star" family.
This is a link to Chapter 378 in North OKC
I have learned so much about "Bikers" and have a new respect for them.
Of course you have your 1%s and they are Clubs like the Hell's Angels.
We are NOT a Club, but an Association.
Our President of the Chapter is CSI for Midwest City, OK...We have business owners, police officers, teachers, bankers and just regular folks.
Our Star Family has been a blessing. And we are a family.
This year at the Oklahoma City Walk For Autism, Our chapter came out and walked with my family. Next year they really want to get more involved. I hope our Team will raise money and awareness for Autism Speaks.
Of course when you are a Family there is lots of laughter and fun, but then there are tears.
We have lost one member of our family when he was hit by a car. We have another member fighting for her life. She has stage 4 cancer.
Just like a real family, we have to invest our hearts and lives.
You would think that riding would hurt my FM and does...but then it hurts to sit at home and watch the world go by...So I think that the fun and laughter keeps my spirits higher and lets me deal with the pain.
It also pushes me to get out of this house when it is easier to just stay in and climb into that hole of depression. I don't want you to think that it is always easy, and there are times I just cannot helps to be a part of something.
When I had to give up my left a hole inside...a sense of being part of something. A reason to get up in the mornings. This has given some of that back to me.
I am also the secretary, so if feels good to be needed.
Mike traded our Roadstar in for a Harley Davidson Ultra Classic.
He said so that I would be more comfortable. I am..So this does help.
There have been rides that I could not have done on the Roadstar.
We have been to Sturgis SD. We have ridden to the fartherest point west in OK. We rode into New Mexico. We went on a ride to Rodgers AK this summer.
I could not have made those rides on the Roadstar.
Hope you have a great day....
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