
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here we have Winter again! We didn't get all the snow that the weathermen went crazy forecasting... Not in Moore, anyways...But we did get lots of rain yesterday...And we got some snow, but nothing on the ground. When they first started talking about the "Storm"...they said that the SE sides of the Metro would get a trace to 2inches..And as the week went on, they started shouting...IT'S GONNA SNOW IT'S GONNA SNOW!!!! Well once again they were right and then is so cold out and the North West part of our state had a Spring Blizzard, but here in Moore..nope...

What I really hate is the day before the weather hits, you can expect mayhem at the store. I had to go as I was doing my regular grocery shopping and I was out of everything. The store was getting busier and busier...You know my thought process about the whole thing is changing as I sit here and write this. I mean, I heard the same thing that I was thinking yesterday as I was standing in line...That people think we are gonna starve in 2 days if we get snowed in...But like I said, my mind set is changing..Why do people really stop into the store..Is it that caveman instinct to gather and store. I think not...I think that it is that...OMG the wind chill is going to be in the teens and I would rather get out today and buy what I need than run to the store to get milk when the wind is blowing 50 mph and I could be home in my pajamas watching a movie wrapped up in a blanket in my recliner...or I could be out freezing my butt off because I want some milk with my cereal...

So you put together the people that have procrastinated and not bought groceries all week, the people that are out of milk and bread, and then the people that think the sky will fall in and send them all to the store at once...Well..There you have it once again... Another mystery solved in the "Life of Cindy"....

I have to work most of the day on the computer so I won't get fired from my Odesk job...But you know what...It is hard when the wind chill is 18 degrees to be perusing over Travel Sites to Costa Rico!!!

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