What is wrong with me..I have become utterly obsessed with this Twilight Stuff...I read and reread the books. Stephanie Meyers certainly has a way with words...
I must have known that I couldn't just read this book...I saw that the girls at school loved it. I saw teachers reading it. I said " NO Way am I going to read a book about Vampires" But my friend brought them to me and said Read!...So I did ...and I couldn't put them down. That was "Twilight" and "New Moon"... Well I knew my Grand daughter had all 4, so it didn't take me long to read the other 2, "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn". When I say not long...Within 1 week I had read all four...
So then I watched the movie "Twilight". Right and I thought..wow it isn't anywhere near as good as the book...but that is true with every other movie/book I have ever watched/read. But then...I found my self watching it again. OH and again, and again, And I started reading the last two books again ...And found that I went way too fast and there was a lot I forgot...or it didn't soak in. So Now I am on Eclipse for the 3rd time. And if that is not enough, you can go to Stephanie Meyers website and click on Midnight Sun. This is Edward's story...She had started it and then somehow someone leaked it out on the internet..Why are people like that...Well she writes that instead of people out there searching on their own, that she put that first rough draft on her website for us to read. She also promises that she will finish it...Oh I hope so..but there are 284 pages of Edward and Twilight through his eyes...It isn't complete, but it does give you a fix that keeps you craving more...I think I have lost my mind! These are suppose to be for young adults...
I guess 50 is the new 16????Well darn it...it could be...I am crazy...
Well I am a little bit manic this morning..I need to shower... and clean house... All those human things we have to do, so I guess I am no vampire...wonder if they would loan me some money for a maid...LOL
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