Who knew Twittering could be so entertaining? When I first got an account way back in April of this year, I just didn't see the big deal. Never really messed with it again...and I would hear of people twittering...and you know..Big Celebrity like people, it still didn't click...Now I figured it out...These people are just regular folks like us and they just feel the need to let everyone know what they are doing...and it is pretty cool to read stuff.
But really, it was when I read that there was a different Director for the movie "Eclipse" and I googled him, then I saw something about him Sending Photos of Taylor Laurent on the set. I thought "Really?" and so I looked and Yes he did....So then I started exploring...
So this morning I saw he had sent a couple of messages and another photo...okay folks go nuts...
Basically in the Foreground, it is a picture of a camera...and way in the blurred background, you could make out that it was "Emmet" and "Rosalie"...but really? Guys, you could barely make them out and only because you knew that these were 2 of the vampires...lol...But everyone was like "Wow" "Awesome" photo...and I am thinking..Yeah Nice Camera...laying on the ground...Reminds me of the ATT commericial of the man on the patio...Tweeting on his phone that he was Sitting on the Patio....WOW....
Oh, and I absolutely love David Cook and his Twitter stuff is awesome as he is very chatty...
I came here because I had something else on my mind, but guess what...Duh..I am having a gray moment..Must because I stayed up till 1AM and then my dog Ruby thought 4:00 Am would be a nice time to get up...I guess this woke Mike up and when I came back to bed a few minutes later, he was yawning and kicking and moving around....JEESH>...stop it already..just go back to sleep...NOT!!!
Well this will definitely have my Fibromyalgia screaming by the time I get home from work...ARGH...
And now that I am ranting a little, We waited for a long time to see a new HOUSE...and last night, Mike was a little too busy to actually sit down and watch it...Maybe tonight...now we are behind on our shows after just one night....I guess cleaning off the DVR was probably a good idea even though I have to go to "On Demand" to see Leverage....
I hope something pulls me out of the "Twilight"...I haven't watched General Hospital in about a month...UHG UHG...
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