
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hello, My Name is Cindy and I am an Addict: CANDY CORN

It is that time of the year that we look forward to, Autumn. The season changing and all that comes with it. The colors changing from bright yellows and greens to brunt orange, reds and browns. The days are getting shorter, nights are getting longer. Temperatures are finally coming down and you might need a jacket in the mornings. The stores are getting ready and you will find Halloween decorations and the Candy. With all of the signals that fall is here, comes that little voice in my head "Where is the Candy Corn? Where are those little pumpkins?" Which translates into "WHERE'S the SUGAR?" For an addict like me, this is bad...really bad.

By the end of  August, I have finally gotten rid of all those extra pounds that I put on every winter. And this year was no different. I actually took off more than that. I had been working hard at it all summer long. Then one day I am at the grocery store, minding my own business, just buying the groceries that I needed. I looked up and there it was. CANDY CORN... I picked up the bag. I put it back. I picked it up again and placed it to my nose and took in a deep breath smelling all that sugar.  I close my eyes and my mouth started watering. I quickly threw the bag back on the shelf. I walked away. Nope, I am not buying any of that this year. I am not falling back into that trap again. It wasn't easy, but I did it. I was so proud of myself. I can do it this year. I can do it, I can do it. I sounded just like that little steam engine that thought he could.  I kept telling my self that I could do it and I would do it.

I made it through the weekend and longer. We were off work for Labor Day holiday and when we returned to school on that Wednesday, our teacher was so proud. She had been shopping and she brought a present to school. She filled the candy bowl with Mini Chocolate bars. Okay, I can handle this. I can eat chocolate bars in moderation. I can see them in the dish and walk away. I don't need them. Oh but that wasn't all. She had a wonderful surprise for me. It was a bag of Candy Corn. I am like an addict with Candy Corn. I cannot eat it in moderation. I will eat it a handful at a time until it is all gone. I am shameless when it comes to Candy Corn. I tried to eat it slowly. I tried not to eat it with both hands. At the end of the week, I had finally eaten it all. I need meetings.

When I went to the grocery store, I bought a bag of the candy corn, and a bag of the pumpkins. I am pretty sure it is a food group of it's own. At Crest, the Halloween Candy is on the same side of the store as the fresh vegetables and fruits. The pumpkins are orange and green. Isn't this a sign that they are full of oxidants and vitamins. Hmmmm. Well probably not, but a girl can dream.

This is not the end, as my "Friend" bought me a bag on Saturday and dropped them off at my house. I can see that this is going to be a real problem. Well the bag I got on Saturday was Green Apple flavored and they were Green. Doesn't that mean they are full of Vitamin A?

I can see that I have a problem and yes I need meetings. That 20 lbs that I lost last year, may not stay away. You see, that the candy corn is not the only problem. A sugar addict I am. The season starts off with Candy Corn... This leads into Thanksgiving and all those pies we make and eat. Right after that, is the candy for Christmas. And of course the cookies and all the parties that we attend. I always try and use the good stuff to cook with, but sometimes that is impossible.

We do stay pretty active through all of this, so that the pounds just inch up. But you know that after Christmas and the holidays, the weather is bad and it is too cold to get out to walk or exercise so we hibernate in the house with our blankets and comfort foods. And then the pounds go from inching to piling up... And then we have Valentines Day. You do know that they make special Candy Corn for that holiday now also. I just can't win. I may have to go into an inpatient rehab center to break this cycle.  After Easter, we start looking for our summer wardrobe. This is bad, really bad. I do not want to do this again this year, But.........Hello, My Name is Cindy and I am an addict! 

A Serious Note:  I just want you to know that I take addiction seriously. I have seen it first hand and I know the devastation that it causes to people who suffer as well as their family's. I want you to know that this is just me being silly and that I would never make fun of or pretend that it is any way a laughing matter. I hope that you read this with the spirit that it is meant to be.

I would love to hear any comments from anyone that takes the time to read them. I always tease that I am a writer wanna be. Share your thoughts good or bad..just be kind and remember to keep it clean.

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