
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Good Afternoon

How is it going???We have wonderful weather here today if you can live with the wind...It is horrible today. It might blow in some rain in a few days so that would be good too. We need it. With the wind and dry weather, we are having lots of problems with fires. I know that seems to be the norm any matter where you live. In Australia, California, and even here in Oklahoma.
At least we are having spring..even if it is a little early...I think by the end of next week, we are suppose to be quite cooler...So enjoy it now.

I am sure you did not come here to read about my weather though. How is everyone doing?
My husband has had trouble with his asthma and non allergic Rhinitis for about, Oh a year or so...
And my little Grand Daughter Katie, well she is 6 and also has asthma. She is pretty sick girl right now, but she says she is not..She only has a little cough...and the Doctor is Lying she is NOT Sick...
Hmmm She takes after her mother. Last night we were at the store and she looked awful. Her poor little eyes. Well I mentioned that and she started crying so hard...Her mom asked why she was crying..."Grandma said my eyes were "ugly"...Poor baby...

I love my gkids so much..I know that doesn't make me special..All Grandparents love their gkids...Right..But they are so wonderful. I don't know if I posted here or not about my new grand baby to be...Yep..I am secretly hoping for a girl, but it doesn't matter. However, my Daughter inlaw deserves her baby girl...But she is such a great mom, it doesn't matter...

Well enjoy your day and don't forget to turn your clocks AHEAD tonight...OH may we lose an hour of sleep..yuck...

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