Well here we go with winter again...This is crazy...80 degrees and today 30...hmmm..tomorrow snow and rain and sleet...Well it is March in OK..I remember in 1980...Yes I am that old..
That was when I was 8 months pregnant with my youngest child..a boy..lol...I had 2 little girls and we were spending time in the park as we were having temps in the 70s and 80s...Then a cold front was suppose to come in..This was in late March..The cold front blew in with lightening and raining and it immediately turn to ice and power lines were snapping all over the place and it got so so cold..we had to go and stay at my mom's because they had a fire place to stay warm...My husband was out of town...Our electricity was off for a couple of days..Weird how that happened and then it turned out to be one of the hottest years on record..hmmm...
So that is my weather story for today.
I was suppose to work today, but the Baseball tourny got cancelled and so I lost my teaching job for the day...IT looks like this will be a slow month for me. I am almost out of days and then school will be out, so I need to start looking for another job.
I need lots of prayers right now too...
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