
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


In this crazy world, I have found that there are certain people that keep you grounded. For the most part, these are your girlfriends. I am lucky enough to be able to call the girls I work with "Friends". '

Holly has the kindest soul of anyone I have ever met. She touches my heart every single day. Have you ever met some one that glowed from the inside out. Well that is the way that I see Holly. Without words, but by watching how she lives her life, I have learned to be more aware and considerate of our whole world and enviroment. She is so patient...whether she is working with one of our angels, or decorating a card...she takes simplicity to the highest level. When we are rushing to finish and move on, she creates the most awesome things. Thank you Holly for letting me call you friend.

Becca does not know the words "I can't". Whatever it is, you know she is going to try and try until she perfects it. Her heart is huge and I think she would give you the proverbial shirt off her back. While Holly is patient, Becca is not. And this is her comfort zone. It seems she has done and seen everything, so it suprises me sometimes at the things she hasn't...such as eating at Sonic. :) And we look to her when we have a question because she will not stop until she finds the answer. I am blessed to have met such a unique person. I love you Bec.

Christy does ground us. Her career choice is perfect. She wants to be a school counselor. If you knew her, you know that she will be awesome. She is so intune with everything around us.  I can't exactly explain how Christy  knows just what to say and how she puts things in the right perspective. Her intuition about people and situations amazes me. Our angels are so blessed to have her in their lives. I have learned so much from her. Thank you Christy for everything you do for me.

Miss Cindy is next. Some times God sends people into your life for more than one reason. She has worked hard and made some difficult choices to be where she is today. She is strong and she shows us to stand up for ourselves even when it isn't always the most popular view.  It takes a special person to care for our look past their disabilities and love them for who they are. Without sharing any details, I know God sent her into my life.

This year we have added two new children and they brought with them their own angels to care for them. The nurses Hillary and Ruby go out of their way to help us. They certainly help to complete our circle and I am glad to call them friends.

I feel like I am one of the most blessed people in the world. This is just a small part of my world.

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