
Sunday, December 18, 2011

One More Week

With only a week until Christmas, I hope you all are better prepared than I am. I have not gotten hardly anything finished. I have been crocheting and making candy and goodies. Problem is, they keep getting eaten up. Geesh...I guess that is why I keep making them.

I always am surprised at how fast Christmas comes and goes. I love this time of the year and it seems that no matter when I start, it just isn't long enough. I try every year to slow it down and nothing works. I have found that trying to have a little Christmas everyday works better than anything else.

My job this year allows me to do that. We have been having Christmas everyday at school. Some people get tired of this. I guess those in retail get the most exposure to Christmas. I know I have heard that they experience over exposure to music and decorations. I am sure they see some of the UGLY of Christmas as well. This includes folks that are not showing their best behavior during this season of love and sharing. They probably need our prayers.

I have one more week and I hope that I can get through it with zero stress. I hope that every single minute I realize a new blessing

 Enjoy your family and friends. Remember to share your blessings with others. This is the wonderful time of the year.

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