Good Morning to all...I have just tried this Picasa that comes with the Blogging site...WoW...
It is great. I hope everyone is having a great day.
This Fibro stuff can really stink sometimes...My body has been putting up with all the fronts moving across for awhile now...and it is tired of all the changes...My OA in my hands will not let me sew...
And my butt where I fell a while back is hurting too...So I am doomed...not really, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired...
I also need a job. A real job with real money. This Social Security stuff is for the birds.
I am on Disability with my Fibro and OA, but that does not really give you money to play on.
I keep thinking ...I was making close to 40,000 a year, and now I make less than 18000...
I was broke then and I am still broke now...Why is it the more money we make, the more money we spend...This is another one of those lessons in life that I was suppose to learn, but chose to ignore...
Well since my wrist are screaming, I guess I will have to come back later and post again...
Hi Cindy, This is my first time ever writing to anyone, but I wanted to tell you that you can still work part time and collect your S. Security check, as long as you don't make over a certain amount of earnings. I myself work at a school 2 hrs. a day as a teachers aide, it pays about $25.00 a day, but the best part is that it forces me to get out of bed, take a shower and get out of the house. lynn006
Lynn, thanks for the information.
I have been thinking of being a substitute teacher for the schools here where I live. You don't have to have a degree...and you only have to work when you want to.
You can turn down the jobs if you want.
I worry that if I go back to work like this, they might take away my social security, but I really need something. I totally understand the part of "getting out of bed and out of the house"...
Thanks again..
That's a good idea, to just work when you feel up to it and that will pay good. I know someone who collects S.Security and subs at a school near her and as long as you don't go over the allowed amount of earnings your good. My job is every day 5 days a week, but there are alot of days off for Holiday's and Easter, Fall and X-mas breaks that I get paid for and we are allowed 12 sick days and yes I always have to use them all.
I am excited that someone is actually reading my Blog...Wow..Maybe it will get more interesting...
Thursday the 25th, I go for orientation/class to begin Substitute teaching...
I am really getting excited about it.
Thanks for reading...
Hi, yes I check up with your blog every fews days. I went to a wedding Friday night and that put me in bed for the whole weekend and I'm still kinda bad. Good luck at the orientation. lynn
I read your post about not being able to go to school 1 day. I know exactly how you feel. But in reading your blog you seem to have a much better life then me. My husband understands 1 or 2 days and then he acts like I should be fine again. Like I said once before. It is so hard for me to get up in the morning and get out of bed. when the alarm goes off I feel like I could just stay in bed an whatever... But I'm still a school aide and I need the money to pay for the cleaning service. My daughter's think that when I have a day off, I can whatch a child or two more, but I had to tell them that I look forward to these days off just to get though the month.
I am very fortunate to have a supportive family. It is hard when you don't. Luckily I did get my SSDI and do not have to work. But if we want anything extra at all, I need a little more cash. I think my husbands understanding comes from the fact that he is also disabled. He has had about 23 hernia repair surgerys in his abdomen. He also has severe asthma, so it is like a big circle...Coughing tears his hernias apart which then causes his asthma to be worse then he gets it fixed and his nonallergic Rhinitis keeps his asthma flared up which keeps him coughing.
Before I got on SSDI, I had a very physical and stressful job. I know that teaching children is also stressful, however they are at least Children. I was a lead person on a manufactoring line. I was like the babysitter for both the supervisor and the workers. I had to please them all...I was also on my feet 9-10 hrs a day 5/6 days a week...So when My body finally screamed stop, I had to.
Fortunatly for me, I had long term Disability insurance and was able to draw a check until I got SSDI.
If you read my Blog from Friday you know that I am now seeing a PMD.(pain management doctor) I was a little nervous at first, but I think it is going to be a very good thing.
I wish good things for you..
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