You know...I think I need meetings now! I have to say thank you to Stephanie Meyers for bringing me another obsession. I don't really think I needed anymore, however, I got it...
And not only that...I drug my daughter in with me....The joke around our house is we can't eat, or sleep...and we have to have our daily dose of Twilight...whether it is book 1,2,3 or doesn't matter...And the movie is in the DVD player waiting for me to just push play...ARGH>...
And I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with me...I don't go gagagaga over movies or movie stars. But You know I am so interested in everything that Kristen and Rob are doing...makes absolutely no sense to me...I KNOW IT IS A MOVIE!!!!I know that Kristen and Rob are not Bella and Edward...But maybe it is just that because they know these characters as well as I do...and you want to say...What do you think???? It isn't even like this is a real story for heavens is a fiction book with mythological characters.
I always hate all the magazines and stuff and papparrazi always in these peoples business. You know....Sometimes I would like to sit down and visit with some of the "Stars" of different movies, cause you know you see them in interviews and you can see that with their performances they let there own personality leak into the character. Of course, they don't need anymore friends and I sure don't have anything in common with any of them...It isn't like I am going to be walking down the street one day and say ...Oh are you and what do you think of the color of the sky today???...or how is your mom, sister, or brother as I know nothing about them...
I am talking about all Stars, not just these young teenagers....
But I would like to thank them for bringing to the screen the love story that Stephanie has so graciously given us. To make Bella and Edward and all the Cullens real. To make this fantasy of Vampires and Werewolves come to life...
And no matter how old you are, to tell the love story so well...Who has not suffered the pain that Bella does when Edward leaves her broken in the forest? And the pain that she felt when she just really wanted to die...and still the sun came up everyday and she had to continue on as if he had never been. I think that we have all been there. Whether it was a boyfriend, or a even someone we loved that died. The hole that we cannot fill no matter what we do...We go through the motions day after day waiting for the pain to go away and it doesn't. And we try to keep moving one step in front of the other when what we really want to do is curl up in that ball and never get up. And then we try to pull ourselves out of the hole and one step at a time we want to move forward, but to do so, would mean we had given up and we were admitting that the one person was never coming back...Ever...and we just don't want to let go....
If anybody reads this blog, I doubt they do, but anyone that is at least my age, do you remember our love story...It was called "Love Story"...and in that story our hearts didn't heal as Oliver had to say good bye to Jenny and there was no waiting until she came back, cause she was gone forever. And of course the words that every girl had memorized by heart "Love Means Never Having to Say Your Sorry". I think I would like to see that movie again...Remember the music.
Click on the Link...I remember we sat in the theater and watched that movie like 3 times in a row...And the tears just poured I suppose that maybe when Bella and Edward find there way back to each other we are cheering....Like Rosalie said of her story...It doesn't have a happy ending, but which of ours does...Well Bella and Edwards is...Surely not Oliver and Jenny...and then on a sad note...Ryan O'Neals real life love ended with the same fate as Olivers when he lost Farrah...
Well I never expected to get here with all this writing...but that is where it took me...
So Sorry Kristen and Rob...Don't mean to obsess over you....But just know you are not the first and won't be the last...And the fact that we are all obsessing....just means you did a very good job of making us believe you are our Edward and Bella....Looking forward in seeing all of the movies...Maybe if Stephanie could just give us more....then we wouldn't have to look at you guys to carry us
A look at My Life..."I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good things, therefore, that I can do, any kindness that I can show a fellow being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."Stephen Grellet
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Birthdays and Gifts and All that stuff!

Today is my Birthday...But more importantly it is the birthday of my very precious Ashton Lloyd Mathes as well. He was born on my 46th birthday...The best Birthday present I ever did receive.
He is another of my Grandsons that fall in the Autism Spectrum. His needs are different from his brothers and cousins. I think that if you could just say Autism and have a short list of symptoms, maybe we could understand it better. Maybe they would find a cure or cause....But the spectrum is huge and there is no way one person can have all the symptoms. Heck they don't even group together the same way in two people. I am not sure how correct as far as percentages go, but in my experience with my boys and the kids at school. It surely isn't a cookie cutter diagnosis that is for sure. Well this isn't about Autism today, This is just a few thoughts on my Birthday...
I am so blessed with family and friends. I start counting foward and how much time I probably have to live...and wow...I don't's not enough. So "What if?" the concept of Benjamin Buttons wasn't too far off...What if we put a different spin on that...What if you were to live your life to what you thought was half way....and then you turn around and go backwards...Live the rest of your life getting younger...So you know, you have a chance to do those "If I knew then what I know now?"moments over. I wonder how that would change your life. Maybe I could write my first book on that...Hmmm...If I ever get a book written..Do you know writing is very very hard?
I don't mean hard, I mean "WORK"....Ouch...I don't like work...just look at me now..My house is the pits, I am trying so hard to clean it, but...hear I sit writing in my blog that I have been neglecting... Things just pile up...
Hey just an update on new baby girl...She was born on Aug 15 at 5 pm...Weighing in at a very small 7 lbs 10 ounces....19" long...Beautiful black hair and a complexion that is beautiful..
Her Brothers are in love with her...My best Early Birthday present I ever got...Her name...yep they changed it...It is Lilly Michelle... I think that it will fit her....

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Baby Dalilah
Well today or tomorrow, our brand new grand daughter Dalilah will make her debut. I think her name is going to be Dalilah as now after 9 months, they have been acting like switching it...But I don't think Big Brothers will let that happen...
She is going to be absolutely gorgeous. My other two grand daughters are, and I know she will be too....Wendy has the olive skin, Black eyes and hair...My son is dark, with black hair that curls...oh and eyes that are dark as well....Her older brother had the most beautiful curls...We had to cut them, but we won't ever have to cut Dalilahs. Now if the eye thingy skips a couple of generations, my grand daughter may have the sky blue eyes that my mom and grandmother had...or she could have the very green eyes my dad had...One thing we know for sure, she is going to be one of the most spoiled and loved baby girls in the world.
She will be one of the most frilly dressed girls in the world. Let us hope she takes to it...I told Wendy that I use to dress Tamara in Jingle Bell Dresses and Bows too... Now look...And our little Katie, she would rather play in mud than eat...So Enjoy it while you can Wendy as the girls in our family don't really go for all that Satin and
She is already so loved...We pray that she is healthy and God blesses her with his love.
We pray that Autism will not be her cross to bear...but either way...her life will always be touched by it...So for today...Let us rejoice that God has given us this gift to care for him on this earth.
Wendy, enjoy your baby girl as you have your other children.
She is going to be absolutely gorgeous. My other two grand daughters are, and I know she will be too....Wendy has the olive skin, Black eyes and hair...My son is dark, with black hair that curls...oh and eyes that are dark as well....Her older brother had the most beautiful curls...We had to cut them, but we won't ever have to cut Dalilahs. Now if the eye thingy skips a couple of generations, my grand daughter may have the sky blue eyes that my mom and grandmother had...or she could have the very green eyes my dad had...One thing we know for sure, she is going to be one of the most spoiled and loved baby girls in the world.
She will be one of the most frilly dressed girls in the world. Let us hope she takes to it...I told Wendy that I use to dress Tamara in Jingle Bell Dresses and Bows too... Now look...And our little Katie, she would rather play in mud than eat...So Enjoy it while you can Wendy as the girls in our family don't really go for all that Satin and
She is already so loved...We pray that she is healthy and God blesses her with his love.
We pray that Autism will not be her cross to bear...but either way...her life will always be touched by it...So for today...Let us rejoice that God has given us this gift to care for him on this earth.
Wendy, enjoy your baby girl as you have your other children.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Vampires and stuff
What is wrong with me..I have become utterly obsessed with this Twilight Stuff...I read and reread the books. Stephanie Meyers certainly has a way with words...
I must have known that I couldn't just read this book...I saw that the girls at school loved it. I saw teachers reading it. I said " NO Way am I going to read a book about Vampires" But my friend brought them to me and said Read!...So I did ...and I couldn't put them down. That was "Twilight" and "New Moon"... Well I knew my Grand daughter had all 4, so it didn't take me long to read the other 2, "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn". When I say not long...Within 1 week I had read all four...
So then I watched the movie "Twilight". Right and I it isn't anywhere near as good as the book...but that is true with every other movie/book I have ever watched/read. But then...I found my self watching it again. OH and again, and again, And I started reading the last two books again ...And found that I went way too fast and there was a lot I forgot...or it didn't soak in. So Now I am on Eclipse for the 3rd time. And if that is not enough, you can go to Stephanie Meyers website and click on Midnight Sun. This is Edward's story...She had started it and then somehow someone leaked it out on the internet..Why are people like that...Well she writes that instead of people out there searching on their own, that she put that first rough draft on her website for us to read. She also promises that she will finish it...Oh I hope so..but there are 284 pages of Edward and Twilight through his eyes...It isn't complete, but it does give you a fix that keeps you craving more...I think I have lost my mind! These are suppose to be for young adults...
I guess 50 is the new 16????Well darn could be...I am crazy...
Well I am a little bit manic this morning..I need to shower... and clean house... All those human things we have to do, so I guess I am no vampire...wonder if they would loan me some money for a maid...LOL
I must have known that I couldn't just read this book...I saw that the girls at school loved it. I saw teachers reading it. I said " NO Way am I going to read a book about Vampires" But my friend brought them to me and said Read!...So I did ...and I couldn't put them down. That was "Twilight" and "New Moon"... Well I knew my Grand daughter had all 4, so it didn't take me long to read the other 2, "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn". When I say not long...Within 1 week I had read all four...
So then I watched the movie "Twilight". Right and I it isn't anywhere near as good as the book...but that is true with every other movie/book I have ever watched/read. But then...I found my self watching it again. OH and again, and again, And I started reading the last two books again ...And found that I went way too fast and there was a lot I forgot...or it didn't soak in. So Now I am on Eclipse for the 3rd time. And if that is not enough, you can go to Stephanie Meyers website and click on Midnight Sun. This is Edward's story...She had started it and then somehow someone leaked it out on the internet..Why are people like that...Well she writes that instead of people out there searching on their own, that she put that first rough draft on her website for us to read. She also promises that she will finish it...Oh I hope so..but there are 284 pages of Edward and Twilight through his eyes...It isn't complete, but it does give you a fix that keeps you craving more...I think I have lost my mind! These are suppose to be for young adults...
I guess 50 is the new 16????Well darn could be...I am crazy...
Well I am a little bit manic this morning..I need to shower... and clean house... All those human things we have to do, so I guess I am no vampire...wonder if they would loan me some money for a maid...LOL
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