I just write 3 articles to blog everyday about the different phones on different plans and I get paid to do it...How cool is that? Well if you are looking for a job that you can do from home in your pjs or without putting on makeup, you should really try this out...

Now you may think that it could be scam, but I promise it isn't. I get paid...Every Wednesday. Well this is how it works..You go through the job list, find some you are interested in and apply.
First you have to create a profile of course and here is where you basically build your resume'.
After you do this, you have to download their Odesk program to keep track of your time on line. It does other stuff too, but you have to read about it on the website. Time goes in on Sunday night, then you have until Monday to review it. If you agree and the Buyer (your boss) aggrees and there isn't any dispute, Thursday it becomes official. The following Wednesday your funds are available. Now there are several ways to get paid, but I choose to let them direct deposite the funds into my checking account.
Now how does Odesk make money...Well you agree on how much you get paid per hour and then Odesk charges the Buyer 10%. So the Buyer is the person who pays for the service of having Odesk be the middle man. You do have to fill out a W-9 form...You will recieve a 1099 at the end of the year. So that is when you will take care of your taxes.
Oh and one other way to make money through Odesk is through referrels..And for every person you refer, you will make 50 dollars after that person a referred user earns his or her first $1,000 as an oDesk Provider or …
… a referred user spends his or her first $1,000 as an oDesk Buyer. So you see it is really great...
So please if you are interested and you feel like helping me make 50.00 use this link to get there...

I just realized that I did just that for someone else on Aidpage where I have another blog...
So...If you are looking for some way to make extra money...Check it out...
Have a great evening and I will be back soon with some more news...